

James Drumm

Location Intelligence


James Drumm is a United States Army veteran, geographic information systems (GIS) specialist, an MBA graduate, and has recently joined KBC's data and technology team focusing on GIS. He has over a decade of experience as a GIS analyst in various industries including: location intelligence optimization models for commercial real estate transactions, imagery and terrain analysis for the Army, forest health analytics, and application support and development for commercial satellite imagery customers. James’s depth of knowledge has earned him the Certified GIS Professional (GISP) recognition, placing him in the top tier of GIS analysts in the country. Quality of life brought James from Texas to Colorado in 2015, which is why when he’s not at work or school, James can be found hiding in the mountains fly fishing, ice fishing, hiking, hunting, off-roading, or on a long motorcycle ride. Work meetings on the river are always the preferred option.

James Drumm Headshot
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